By accessing and using this website, you accept and agree to be bound by the terms and provision of this agreement. In addition, when using this website’s particular services, you shall be subject to any posted guidelines or rules applicable to such services, which may be posted and modified from time to time. All such guidelines or rules are hereby incorporated by reference into the Terms of Service.

Photo Copyright and Usage Rights

Where images and/or photographs are supplied by you it is your responsibility to ensure that either you own the original copyright, or that the images are free from copyright restrictions, or that you have agreed on usage rights with the copyright owner.

Wedding Mandala artwork Copyright and Usage Rights

You may use the wedding mandala artwork electronic file for your own personal purposes. It may not be used for commercial purposes of reproduction or resale.

Wedding Mandalas self-promotion and marketing

I may on occasion use your Wedding Mandala (and original photo) as an example within my self-promotion and marketing. However, I will not use your name or a photo of you or your partner without your further agreement.